Tuesday, December 6, 2011

In Your 20s...

Don’t get stuck. Move, travel, take a class, take a risk. There is a season for wildness and a season for settledness, and this is neither. This season is about becoming. Don’t lose yourself at happy hour, but don’t lose yourself on the corporate ladder either. Stop every once in a while and go out to coffee or climb in bed with your journal.

Ask yourself some good questions like: “Am I proud of the life I’m living? What have I tried this month? What have I learned about God this year? What parts of my childhood faith am I leaving behind, and what parts am I choosing to keep? Do the people I’m spending time with give me life, or make me feel small? Is there any brokenness in my life that’s keeping me from moving forward?”

Now is your time. Walk closely with people you love, and with people who believe God is good and life is a grand adventure. Don’t get stuck in the past, and don’t try to fast-forward yourself into a future you haven’t yet earned.

Give today all the love and intensity and courage you can, and keep traveling honestly along life’s path.

- Shauna Niequist from

Thursday, November 17, 2011

grace to the sick.

Taken directly from:

How many times to forgive?

Cyril of Alexandria, an early church father, had an interesting statement on this principle. He said, “We need to deal with sinners the way that a doctor deals with those who are sick.”

Can you imagine going into your doctor saying, “I’m sick,” he’s like, “This is the sixth time. I’m done with you. I only treat people who are sick five times. After that, you’re on your own.” All right, what does a doctor do? A doctor says, “So long as you are sick, I will treat you and serve you and help you toward healing and wellness.” That’s what a doctor does. 

When we’re dealing with people who have a condition called sin, we need to have the attitude of a doctor. “Any time you’re sick, as long as you’re sick, I’m going to rebuke you in love because that’s the treatment plan that the Lord prescribes.”

And you know what? We want this when we sin. We want people to lovingly pursue us, at least you should, and rebuke us and not give up on us, but patiently endure with us. And so we need not be hypocrites, we need to extend to others the same grace that we would hope be given to us.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Oops, I did it again.

It being the same thing I've done with journals for as long as I can remember. Write one day, write the next, maybe write the next, and.... nothing. After a long hiatus the next entry normally begins with me bumbling over how I always do this, how I shouldn't, how this, how that.

Not this time! I've been trying this new thing where I don't apologize for every. single. thing.
I'd like to think this is me growing up. Accepting who I am. Realizing there are things I can change (saying "sorry!" to everything) and things that may never change (writing consistently).

I recently realized that I'm crazy afraid of failure. It may sound ridiculous, because it is, but I think it's a big reason why it's hard for me to stay committed to writing. I'm afraid that it's not good enough, not perfect. Then I have to ask myself- who is demanding this 'perfection' of me? Turns out it's really just the (wo)man in the mirror.

I don't want to be afraid. I don't want to be the only thing holding me back.

I want to dream. I want to write. I want to learn another language. I want to capture beautiful moments. I want to dance. I want to feel full and alive. And honestly, I want to fail. To fail often and fail big. Failing will mean I've tried. And if I've put my heart into something- well, I shouldn't view that as failure. Not at all.

Friday, April 22, 2011


I was asked last night what my blog is really going to be about. When I started a mere two days ago, I honestly wasn't sure. And while allowing room for this to evolve into...well, whatever it may, I believe I have an answer to that question, at least for now.

For now I hope that this will be a place that I can push myself and whoever is reading to think- about big things, little things, and all things in between.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I haven't really lived yet.

Have you ever wondered what word (or few words) could sum up your life?

As my roommates and I began walking home from dinner last night, our conversation somehow drifted to the topic of memoirs. A mutual friend has the perfect beginning to his. I'd share it with you, but I'll wait to let you read it in a few years.

The first line my roommate suggested for mine? "I haven't really lived yet."

My dear, I beg to disagree. I'd like to think that I've lived well. I've just got a whole lot of living left to do.

Makes me wonder...what do I want to live for? What do you want to be said of your life?